Sunday, July 13, 2008

What's in bloom...

An idea plucked from The Bungalow Chronicles, I bring you, "What's in Bloom at Building a Better Bungalow." If it were a question, the answer would be: "A lot." Here are four can click here to go to my Flickr page for the other flowers in bloom on July 13...enjoy!

Red daylily--Chicago H. variety--planted a couple weeks ago:

Yellow coreopsis, planted last year, looking beautiful this year:
Orange coneflower with white yarrow in background...again, planted last year, looking good this year:
Shasta daisy, planted a month or so ago...the best success I've had with these, even though they're supposed to be "easy":


Anonymous said...

nice! I really like that orange coneflower with the yarrow—pretty combination of color and texture.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics, Andy!

Sandy said...

Love all those flowers!!! They look so very nice. I especially liked the yellow coreopsis.

Andy said...

Thanks everyone! On a side note, it's always good when your mom comes over and compliments your green thumb. I get it from my mom and her mom...I used to help my grandma out in the garden all the time whenever I was over there. So I guess I get it from them. :)

Joanne said...

Lovely garden pictures, Andy!