Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's hot and way too rainy, but...

beets 62209
Originally uploaded by southsideandy
...the good news is my plants are doing pretty good (knock on wood). I didn't get any shots of the tomato plants, but pictured above is a shot of one of the beets. I thinned out the beets and carrots, and they're growing pretty well, which is nice. If you click on the picture above, it'll take you over to Flickr where the rest of my most recent garden pictures are. Looking good, in my opinion...of course, what do I know? :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Last year/this year and before/after ...

CURB APPEAL, sort of...
Last year, here's what it looked like after I finally pulled out one of the evergreen bushes and planted a rhododendron and Sutherland Gold Elderberry, as well as a handful of ferns at the base:
shrubs in

This year, here's the update:
bushes year 2

I hate covering up the beautiful hardwood stairs:
stairs before 1

But after I slipped and dropped my son down the stairs, there was no way I wasn't having them carpeted. A handrail is next on the docket (though it would not have prevented the accident...). He's OK, but hell of a scare:
stairs after 2